J. Krishnamurti and Meditation as Awareness

Jiddu Krishnamurti, was born in India in the late 19th century and moved to the U.S. in the 1920s. Krishnamurti was famous for preaching the benefits of meditation outside of the institutionalization of it. In his book “Meditation” he discusses meditation as simply awareness. When we use the word “meditation” we do not mean something … [Read more…]

MAKING ROOM FOR YOURSELF – An Inquiry into the attachment of non – attachment

Welcome to Fall. The time of the year where the leaves change color, releasing from the trees, and the world begins to let go in preparation of the new arrivals that will shine forth after winter’s tender caress. It is a great time to talk about the Yogic Yama (restraint) Aparigraha. Aparigraha is a very … [Read more…]