Pema Chodron Instruction In Tonglen

Pema Chodron was a student of Chogyam Trungpa, the Tibetan Buddhist meditation master and teacher who founded the Shambhala tradition here in the U.S. She is highly regarded as teacher and author and in the videos below, Pema Chodron gives some background and instruction in the meditative practice of Tonglen, which uses difficult circumstances as … [Read more…]

Science, Say Hello To Contemplation (again).

What happens when you bring together a long-time meditation teacher interested in advanced mathematics and science with a Harvard neuroscientist who is an avid meditator? You get the Harvard Brain Study on Shinzen Young Meditators. Together, Shinzen Young and Dave Vago have teamed-up to investigate what happens in the brain when you apply Shinzen Young’s … [Read more…]