Today, I set my timer, sat down on my mat, dropped my gaze and my mind started to buzz. My body was steady and sweet but my mind, you might say, had other things on its mind.
So I sat.
Focus on the breath; clear the mind. Maybe I should write an email…Focus on the breath; clear the mind. I wonder if I should test ride the bike out back before…Focus on the breath; clear the mind. Focus on the breath; clear the mind………….I really should sing more. I wonder if I’d be able to find an instructor around here to help me out, it might be beneficial but I’m holding on a bit when…Focus on the breath; still the mind………… Focus on the breath; still the mind.
Bring awareness back to the room, to your body.…….. …………………………………………… ………………………………………
Now I am writing in my head, ideas for blogs, for journals, for books…. Focus on the breath; still the mind…. still writing…. Focus on the breath; still the mind… Writing in my head. Focus on my breath; still my mind….Writing…Thank you. I am aware of the desire to write. I will try to honor this desire when my meditation is complete………………………….
Thinking……Focus on the breath; still the mind……………………….. ………………………………………………………………………….
…………………………………………………………………Thinking…………………………..Focus on the Breath…………………………………Still…………………….
I wonder what time the clock says…Thinking……………………………….. ……………Ease……….…..breath……Focus on the breath; still the mind.
*Timer Chime*
Meditation is a practice. It is the practice of coming back to stillness again and again. It is a way in which we become aware of our thoughts and learn to love and be patient with our self. After fifteen minutes of meditation I am not frustrated or angry about the exchange I have had with my mind. I am thankful, calmer and more aware. I am growing the resiliency to bring myself back to a place of steadiness when life hands me even the biggest obstacles.
I hope that when you come to sit on your mat and your mind is a frenzy that you will not give up. Know that this is the practice. Say to yourself, “This is a good day to practice. This is a good day to cultivate my own stillness and awareness and see what is coming up for me.”
But above all keep returning to the space. Keep Meditating.